Internet Never Says No. SCAMS! HACKS! MONEY LOST! DATA LOST! PRIVATE VIDEOS AND PICTURES LEAKED. BLACKMAILED! and much more. Do you guys have any idea how this happens? We do. One simple click. YES! One simple click on the wrong URL or downloading an illegal app or entering the personal and bank details on insecure website. We might not notice these small things we do daily, damage is done and the price we pay is high. In this article we are going to help you with the information how these clicks are harmful and simple tips to save yourself and your device from such attacks What could possibly go wrong if I could download this app from that website. You could probably say; "This modified app let me do what normal users can't". This is where the shit hits the fan. Once you download, a backdoor (a program written mostly in JavaScript) could let the hacker or an idiot with resources to get into your device and get remote access to your files, accounts and many more which...
Hey guys! We bought you today an intelligent way to earn pocket money by ding some simple tasks. Before we go ahead, I would like to let you know that the application details that I am going to share with you are legit and works 100%. The app is created and owned by Google, a company which we use daily and we know it is not illegal or leave you out for dry. So, when I say "it's legit" I mean it. So, Google has an app called opinion rewards which was started in 2016 and came to India in May of 2017. This opinion rewards app gives you a few quizzes a month to get your opinion and rewards you with the playstore money which you can spend only in the playstore to purchase apps / books/ movies. In the recent months, Google has released an app called Task mate in the playstore with early access. This is similar to the opinion rewards app but through this app you can give the accurate answers to the survey and get rewarded with the real money. Once you reach the threshol...